History of the company

Alliances tend to form in the most unexpected ways, and even more so in the halls of universities, where young people with great ideas (and just as naive) share their thoughts about the world around them.

Our story begins with the meeting of two young technology lovers, both with very clear ideas of what they understood was lacking in the Dominican market. The lack of quality technological tools and chords to meet the needs of the market led them along the path of software development, seeking, according to their understanding, to provide the market with quality software, even though they still did not fully understand what this implied.

The idea of commercializing software began in that student stage where they based their work on the fundamental principles of software and customer service.

Fundamental principles of software

Robust and scalable system

Coupling and cohesion between the different elements

Easy to maintain over time

Meet customer needs


Use technology that meets customer requirements

Customer service

Personalized and quality services

Preventive and premature support

Efficiency in problem solving